Sunday, October 14, 2007

Flash Racing Movie Assignment Monday Oct 15th


Reinforced Concepts:
Motion Guide: Make cars go around track
Movie Clip: Make fire that flickers (frame by frame)
Transparency: See through the fire (set Movie Clip’s Alpha)

Part I: Create graphics/movie clips
Fire movie clip: Create a 3-frame symbol that resembles fire. Use three colors and be sure the shape changes from frame to frame. Use either the pencil tool to draw it (make need to set to “close large gaps” to fill it in or use the pen tool. Be sure to insert a new keyframe before making a change; you will have three consecutive keyframe in the movie clip symbol.

Racecar: Create a basic racecar using shapes (ovals, triangle, rectangle). HINT: Triangles are created by clicking the rectangle tool button and holding it and choosing the Polystar tool. Then, in Options (Property Inspector), tell it three sides Then, use the black arrow to modify the shapes (move points, add curves), add a solid black stroke to the entire chassis, and then add the wheels and other parts on separate layers. HINT: I used a textured stroke on the wheels so they didn’t seem so “perfect.”
Select the whole racecar and place it where the tip of the racecar is at the crosshairs!!! IMPORTANT!!!
Duplicate Racecar: Duplicate the racecar clip in the library (right click and Duplicate) to make second racecar. Just change the color.

Part II: Create racetrack (on its own layer)
Make this a bigger stage than normal. Set to 800x600. Set the background color to a blue (sky) color.
How intricate your racetrack is will be up to you. Be sure the track is a light gray color (not black, since wheels will be black). Use ovals to make a circular track or the pen tool to make a more complicated track.
Decorate your track as you see fit (flags, starting gate, trees, oil spills, etc.).

Part III: Place cars and create the guides
Put the racecars on the track. Be sure you size them down so they can fit on the track together.
To most easily create a guide for this project, it is important to put the registration point of the movie clip at the tip of the car. And, it is easiest to use a skinny line, so I suggest the pencil tool. Put each car on its own layer. Right click the layer to add a Motion Guide layer. Lock the car layer while you draw the path on the motion guide layer; then lock the motion guide, unlock the car, and snap the car to the path.


Anonymous said...

Sir I am done!

Laura A said...

sir, i'm done

Jojo said...


Anonymous said...

doneskiiis :)

Nikita said...

Sir, I'm done

Anonymous said...

Mr. Padilla, I'm finished so you can take a look now :D.

xsweetangelx said...

Sir Im done

Anonymous said...

I'm done =)